The other day I found a really cool post on adding GIFs to ggplots, so I thought I’d give it a shot. Using spotifyr
and ggplot2, I set out to plot Thom Yorke dancing across a plot describing Thom Yorke dancing. For those who have no idea who Thom Yorke is, he’s the frontman of Radiohead and Atoms for Peace, and he dances like this:
Mr. Yorke’s dance moves are already well GIF-ified, but finding a transparent GIF to add to a plot proved difficult. After some Googling, I decided to take these images of an animated Thom Yorke doing the Lotus Flower dance. I made them transparent with Preview for Mac and combined them into a GIF with imagemagick. I then read the GIF into R with the magick
mini_thom <- image_read('thom_dance_og.gif')
To get data on danceability, I used spotifyr
to pull track audio features for all albums by Radiohead, Atoms for Peace, and Thom Yorke’s self-titled solo act. I then filtered out non-studio albums and kept only danceability and track/album information.
“Danceability describes how suitable a track is for dancing based on a combination of musical elements including tempo, rhythm stability, beat strength, and overall regularity. A value of 0.0 is least danceable and 1.0 is most danceable.”
tots_thom <- map_df(c('radiohead', 'atoms for peace', 'thom yorke'), get_artist_audio_features)
non_studio_albums <- c('OK Computer OKNOTOK 1997 2017', 'TKOL RMX 1234567', 'In Rainbows (Disk 2)',
'Com Lag: 2+2=5', 'I Might Be Wrong', 'The Eraser Rmxs')
tots_thom <- filter(tots_thom, !album_name %in% non_studio_albums) %>%
select(track_name, album_name, danceability, album_release_year) %>%
unique() %>%
## Warning: package 'knitr' was built under R version 3.5.2
tots_thom %>%
kable() %>%
kable_styling() %>%
scroll_box(height = '500px')
track_name | album_name | danceability | album_release_year |
Judge Jury and Executioner | AMOK | 0.8900 | 2013 |
I Am a Very Rude Person | ANIMA | 0.8100 | 2019 |
Default | AMOK | 0.7930 | 2013 |
A Brain in a Bottle | Tomorrow’s Modern Boxes | 0.7870 | 2014 |
Traffic | ANIMA | 0.7680 | 2019 |
Guess Again! | Tomorrow’s Modern Boxes | 0.7250 | 2014 |
Lotus Flower | The King Of Limbs | 0.7210 | 2011 |
Backdrifts | Hail To the Thief | 0.7180 | 2003 |
Skip Divided | The Eraser | 0.7110 | 2006 |
House Of Cards | In Rainbows | 0.7100 | 2007 |
Harrowdown Hill | The Eraser | 0.7050 | 2006 |
Separator | The King Of Limbs | 0.6930 | 2011 |
Identikit | A Moon Shaped Pool | 0.6920 | 2016 |
Ingenue | AMOK | 0.6840 | 2013 |
All I Need | In Rainbows | 0.6680 | 2007 |
Packt Like Sardines In a Crushed Tin Box | Amnesiac | 0.6670 | 2001 |
Morning Mr Magpie | The King Of Limbs | 0.6480 | 2011 |
Morning Bell | Kid A | 0.6450 | 2000 |
Stuck Together Pieces | AMOK | 0.6430 | 2013 |
Atoms For Peace | The Eraser | 0.6430 | 2006 |
There Is No Ice (For My Drink) | Tomorrow’s Modern Boxes | 0.6410 | 2014 |
Kid A | Kid A | 0.6300 | 2000 |
The Eraser | The Eraser | 0.6290 | 2006 |
Little By Little | The King Of Limbs | 0.6190 | 2011 |
Amok | AMOK | 0.6180 | 2013 |
Idioteque | Kid A | 0.6150 | 2000 |
There, There | Hail To the Thief | 0.6140 | 2003 |
Black Swan | The Eraser | 0.6130 | 2006 |
Dropped | AMOK | 0.6110 | 2013 |
Synthesizer Speaks | Suspiria (Music for the Luca Guadagnino Film) | 0.6080 | 2018 |
A Punch Up At a Wedding | Hail To the Thief | 0.6030 | 2003 |
I Might Be Wrong | Amnesiac | 0.6010 | 2001 |
15 Step | In Rainbows | 0.6000 | 2007 |
Cymbal Rush | The Eraser | 0.5940 | 2006 |
The Mother Lode | Tomorrow’s Modern Boxes | 0.5890 | 2014 |
Runwayaway | ANIMA | 0.5880 | 2019 |
Videotape | In Rainbows | 0.5810 | 2007 |
Unless | AMOK | 0.5810 | 2013 |
Pulk/Pull Revolving Doors | Amnesiac | 0.5800 | 2001 |
The Clock | The Eraser | 0.5720 | 2006 |
Desert Island Disk | A Moon Shaped Pool | 0.5610 | 2016 |
Decks Dark | A Moon Shaped Pool | 0.5600 | 2016 |
Analyse | The Eraser | 0.5600 | 2006 |
Not The News | ANIMA | 0.5580 | 2019 |
Before Your Very Eyes… | AMOK | 0.5520 | 2013 |
Burn the Witch | A Moon Shaped Pool | 0.5410 | 2016 |
Has Ended | Suspiria (Music for the Luca Guadagnino Film) | 0.5400 | 2018 |
Weird Fishes/ Arpeggi | In Rainbows | 0.5380 | 2007 |
Nude | In Rainbows | 0.5370 | 2007 |
Bloom | The King Of Limbs | 0.5180 | 2011 |
Reckoner | In Rainbows | 0.5180 | 2007 |
Nose Grows Some | Tomorrow’s Modern Boxes | 0.5170 | 2014 |
Creep | Pablo Honey | 0.5150 | 1993 |
Myxomatosis | Hail To the Thief | 0.4990 | 2003 |
Like Spinning Plates | Amnesiac | 0.4930 | 2001 |
Scatterbrain | Hail To the Thief | 0.4920 | 2003 |
Feral | The King Of Limbs | 0.4900 | 2011 |
Street Spirit (Fade Out) | The Bends | 0.4880 | 1995 |
The National Anthem | Kid A | 0.4860 | 2000 |
Sit Down. Stand Up | Hail To the Thief | 0.4830 | 2003 |
A Wolf At the Door | Hail To the Thief | 0.4800 | 2003 |
Present Tense | A Moon Shaped Pool | 0.4790 | 2016 |
Suspirium | Suspiria (Music for the Luca Guadagnino Film) | 0.4730 | 2018 |
Jigsaw Falling Into Place | In Rainbows | 0.4610 | 2007 |
Fake Plastic Trees | The Bends | 0.4540 | 1995 |
Bullet Proof … I Wish I Was | The Bends | 0.4480 | 1995 |
2 + 2 = 5 | Hail To the Thief | 0.4430 | 2003 |
The Gloaming | Hail To the Thief | 0.4400 | 2003 |
Knives Out | Amnesiac | 0.4330 | 2001 |
Fitter Happier | OK Computer | 0.4320 | 1997 |
Planet Telex | The Bends | 0.4290 | 1995 |
Ful Stop | A Moon Shaped Pool | 0.4260 | 2016 |
Twist | ANIMA | 0.4240 | 2019 |
Lurgee | Pablo Honey | 0.4200 | 1993 |
Reverse Running | AMOK | 0.4190 | 2013 |
High And Dry | The Bends | 0.4180 | 1995 |
Optimistic | Kid A | 0.4030 | 2000 |
Vegetable | Pablo Honey | 0.3840 | 1993 |
In Limbo | Kid A | 0.3750 | 2000 |
Sail To The Moon | Hail To the Thief | 0.3720 | 2003 |
Thinking About You | Pablo Honey | 0.3640 | 1993 |
Karma Police | OK Computer | 0.3600 | 1997 |
Bones | The Bends | 0.3580 | 1995 |
Let Down | OK Computer | 0.3520 | 1997 |
Interference | Tomorrow’s Modern Boxes | 0.3490 | 2014 |
Bodysnatchers | In Rainbows | 0.3430 | 2007 |
The Hooks | Suspiria (Music for the Luca Guadagnino Film) | 0.3410 | 2018 |
Faust Arp | In Rainbows | 0.3380 | 2007 |
Tinker Tailor Soldier Sailor Rich Man Poor Man Beggar Man Thief | A Moon Shaped Pool | 0.3360 | 2016 |
Open Again | Suspiria (Music for the Luca Guadagnino Film) | 0.3350 | 2018 |
Codex | The King Of Limbs | 0.3270 | 2011 |
Untitled | Kid A | 0.3270 | 2000 |
Morning Bell/Amnesiac | Amnesiac | 0.3250 | 2001 |
Dollars & Cents | Amnesiac | 0.3250 | 2001 |
Subterranean Homesick Alien | OK Computer | 0.3160 | 1997 |
Truth Ray | Tomorrow’s Modern Boxes | 0.3110 | 2014 |
Airbag | OK Computer | 0.3060 | 1997 |
And It Rained All Night | The Eraser | 0.3060 | 2006 |
Olga’s Destruction (Volk tape) | Suspiria (Music for the Luca Guadagnino Film) | 0.3050 | 2018 |
Hunting Bears | Amnesiac | 0.3020 | 2001 |
Daydreaming | A Moon Shaped Pool | 0.2990 | 2016 |
Where I End and You Begin | Hail To the Thief | 0.2970 | 2003 |
You And Whose Army? | Amnesiac | 0.2950 | 2001 |
Last I Heard (…He Was Circling the Drain) | ANIMA | 0.2950 | 2019 |
Anyone Can Play Guitar | Pablo Honey | 0.2940 | 1993 |
Everything In Its Right Place | Kid A | 0.2930 | 2000 |
Exit Music (For a Film) | OK Computer | 0.2930 | 1997 |
Just | The Bends | 0.2910 | 1995 |
Go To Sleep | Hail To the Thief | 0.2880 | 2003 |
The Bends | The Bends | 0.2880 | 1995 |
Black Star | The Bends | 0.2880 | 1995 |
I Can’t | Pablo Honey | 0.2840 | 1993 |
Blow Out | Pablo Honey | 0.2840 | 1993 |
The Numbers | A Moon Shaped Pool | 0.2820 | 2016 |
True Love Waits | A Moon Shaped Pool | 0.2820 | 2016 |
The Axe | ANIMA | 0.2810 | 2019 |
Volk | Suspiria (Music for the Luca Guadagnino Film) | 0.2810 | 2018 |
(Nice Dream) | The Bends | 0.2620 | 1995 |
Dawn Chorus | ANIMA | 0.2610 | 2019 |
Give Up The Ghost | The King Of Limbs | 0.2600 | 2011 |
Ripcord | Pablo Honey | 0.2560 | 1993 |
No Surprises | OK Computer | 0.2550 | 1997 |
I Will | Hail To the Thief | 0.2540 | 2003 |
A Light Green | Suspiria (Music for the Luca Guadagnino Film) | 0.2540 | 2018 |
Paranoid Android | OK Computer | 0.2520 | 1997 |
The Jumps | Suspiria (Music for the Luca Guadagnino Film) | 0.2520 | 2018 |
Prove Yourself | Pablo Honey | 0.2500 | 1993 |
My Iron Lung | The Bends | 0.2420 | 1995 |
The Tourist | OK Computer | 0.2410 | 1997 |
You | Pablo Honey | 0.2230 | 1993 |
Sabbath Incantation | Suspiria (Music for the Luca Guadagnino Film) | 0.2220 | 2018 |
Glass Eyes | A Moon Shaped Pool | 0.2180 | 2016 |
Impossible Knots | ANIMA | 0.2180 | 2019 |
Klemperer Walks | Suspiria (Music for the Luca Guadagnino Film) | 0.2130 | 2018 |
Stop Whispering | Pablo Honey | 0.2120 | 1993 |
Belongings Thrown in a River | Suspiria (Music for the Luca Guadagnino Film) | 0.2080 | 2018 |
The Room of Compartments | Suspiria (Music for the Luca Guadagnino Film) | 0.2070 | 2018 |
Lucky | OK Computer | 0.2060 | 1997 |
An Audition | Suspiria (Music for the Luca Guadagnino Film) | 0.1980 | 2018 |
The Epilogue | Suspiria (Music for the Luca Guadagnino Film) | 0.1890 | 2018 |
Unmade | Suspiria (Music for the Luca Guadagnino Film) | 0.1860 | 2018 |
Electioneering | OK Computer | 0.1850 | 1997 |
How Do You? | Pablo Honey | 0.1850 | 1993 |
A Choir of One | Suspiria (Music for the Luca Guadagnino Film) | 0.1850 | 2018 |
The Conjuring of Anke | Suspiria (Music for the Luca Guadagnino Film) | 0.1820 | 2018 |
Suspirium Finale | Suspiria (Music for the Luca Guadagnino Film) | 0.1730 | 2018 |
Voiceless Terror | Suspiria (Music for the Luca Guadagnino Film) | 0.1730 | 2018 |
Climbing Up the Walls | OK Computer | 0.1720 | 1997 |
Life In a Glasshouse | Amnesiac | 0.1680 | 2001 |
How To Disappear Completely | Kid A | 0.1680 | 2000 |
Sulk | The Bends | 0.1670 | 1995 |
A Soft Hand Across Your Face | Suspiria (Music for the Luca Guadagnino Film) | 0.1590 | 2018 |
Treefingers | Kid A | 0.1570 | 2000 |
Pink Section | Tomorrow’s Modern Boxes | 0.1530 | 2014 |
The Inevitable Pull | Suspiria (Music for the Luca Guadagnino Film) | 0.1480 | 2018 |
We Suck Young Blood | Hail To the Thief | 0.1350 | 2003 |
Motion Picture Soundtrack | Kid A | 0.1340 | 2000 |
The Balance of Things | Suspiria (Music for the Luca Guadagnino Film) | 0.1310 | 2018 |
Pyramid Song | Amnesiac | 0.1270 | 2001 |
A Storm That Took Everything | Suspiria (Music for the Luca Guadagnino Film) | 0.1190 | 2018 |
The Universe is Indifferent | Suspiria (Music for the Luca Guadagnino Film) | 0.0915 | 2018 |
Next I made a ridgeplot to show the danceability distributions by album, ordered by release date. I then saved the plot as a png for the GIF background.
# make label for plot
album_names_label <- tots_thom %>%
arrange(album_release_year) %>%
mutate(label = str_glue('{album_name} ({album_release_year})')) %>%
pull(label) %>%
p <- ggplot(tots_thom, aes(x = danceability, y = as.character(album_release_year))) +
geom_density_ridges() +
theme_ridges(center_axis_labels = TRUE, grid = FALSE, font_size = 6) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(face = 'bold', size = 14, hjust = 1.25),
plot.subtitle = element_text(size = 10, hjust = 1.1)) +
ggtitle('Have we reached peak Thom Yorke danceability?', 'Song danceability by album - Radiohead, Thom Yorke, and Atoms for Peace') +
labs(x = 'Song danceability', y = '') +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(0,.25,.5,.75,1)) +
scale_y_discrete(labels = album_names_label)
ggsave(p, filename = 'danceplot.png', width = 5, height = 3)
background <- image_read('danceplot.png')
Frame by frame, I then added each individual image of my animated Thom GIF to the plot with image_composite()
. To get him to dance across the x-axis, I moved the offset to the right by 100 pixels each frame.
frames <- map(1:length(mini_thom), function(frame) {
hjust <- 200+(100*frame) # <- this makes him move along the x axis
image_composite(background, mini_thom[frame], offset = str_glue('+{hjust}+400'))
Bringing it all together, I used image_animate()
, setting loop = 0
for infinite looping.
image_animate(image_join(frames), fps = 5, loop = 0)
Arrest this man, he talks in maths
Despite my best efforts to make a plot about nothing, this chart actually highlights three things:
- Radiohead has gotten more danceable over time
- Thom Yorke’s danceability is higher outside of Radiohead (except for his score for the 2018 horror film, Suspiria)
- The King of Limbs (led by Lotus Flower) was peak Radiohead danceability